Unendliche beschränkt / Eternity Limited
The "Unendliche beschränkt" (eternity limited) group was created as part of the "Alsos Epsilon Toothpaste" exhibition. The idea came from an examination of the modernist era, when creative artists and scientists sought to find and invent universal forms and formulas. It was idealistic, progressive, sometimes naive and occasionally arrogant from today's perspective. At least that's how I always felt about Constantin Brancusi's infinite columns. Apart from all the special works of art he created, this famous one has always been a nuisance for me. Infinity always belongs in the realm of the imagination. You can't realise it. It's like 10 to the power of 1000 is simply a really big number. You have to be able to visualise it first. The infinite column was always very finite. My variation is the way it is, limited by the material.
What is exciting, however, is how much the first uranium reactor under the direction of Werner Heisenberg resembles modern sculptures: Sharp cubes that are laced open, a vine of uranium.