Space Colonies
A Galactic Freeman’s Journal
The book Space Colonies had its beginning during the stay at Casa Baldi, during the scholarship of the German Academy of Rome in the small town of Olevano. People talked about the Pontine marshes that once lay in front of Rome. These were drained under Mussolini and a new habitat was created in front of Rome. And so from these drainage plans from there (by the Prussian engineer Donat), the de-sumps of Leipzig came to the themes of colonies, Empire to Gerard K. O’Neill, the US American physicist who developed ideas for colonizing space in the 1970s. Shortly thereafter, Stewart Brand, cybercommunard and editor of the Whole Earth Catalog, took up these ideas and published the book Space Colonies. In this and in other editions of the CoEvolution Quarterly, the issue of whether space might already be colonized in the year 2000 is discussed. Fabian Reimann’s Space Colonies. A Galactic Freeman’s Journal refers to these publications. In his photo essay he assembles historical, present-day, and speculative material, which he combines with fictional and factual stories to create a composite of different images of the world.
160 pages
Spector Books